Avoiding Budget Surprises

If you're reading this article, you probably care about your family's financial future. Part of preparing well for the future means implementing good money management skills. And, when it comes to proper money management, nothing makes you more effective than a budget! A strong budget helps allocate funds appropriately, and ensures that everyone in the family stays on track with spending and saving!

However, you might be struggling with your family's budget. If so, chances are that you're forgetting some of these key budget categories. Take a look at our list of Budget Surprises. You might find that your budget issues might be resolved by focusing on these budget categories!

The 4 Categories

    Adjustable Interest Rates. This is a big money-drain. Frequently, when you get a loan, your interest rate will start off small (to draw you in!) and then go up after a set amount of time. If you have forgotten to adjust these interest rates in your budget, they can really start to catch up with you! Don't let credit debt interest throw your budget off. Make sure you account for it, and refresh your figures regularly.

    Technology Upgrades. Hard drives crash. TV tubes burn out. Your stuff probably has more tech problems than you care to think about. When these issues arise, you sometimes have no other choice than to spend money addressing them. Factor this into your budget! Set aside a percentage of your tech expenses each month so that when something does break, you can fix it without incurring credit debt.

    Repairs. Speaking of things breaking, if you own a home or car, you're probably used to repairs! Good money management means being financially prepared to repair your car and home. Allocate at least 10% of your vehicle's value for repairs each year. Homeowners should do the same, but the percentage rate may vary depending on the age and condition of your home.

    Deductibles. Another big one here! Set aside the cash you could need to meet your health/auto insurance policy deductibles. These can be big hits on a budget. Don't let them take down your budget plan. If you can't allocate the cash in one move, work on putting up a fraction of the money each month until you have all of the funds available. That way, if you do have to pay all of your deductible, you're prepared!

These money management techniques can help you budget well, keeping you out of credit debt. Review your family's budget, and see if all of these categories are being factored in! If not, you take account of these four categories, and secure your family's future against whatever issues may arise!

The Lee Law Firm aims to provide local residents with high quality legal representation at affordable rates. Their attorneys specialize in all aspects of credit negotiations. As debt lawyers, the Lee Law Firm attorneys understand the pressures their clients face*as they battle a financial hardship.


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